What Do Moles On Your Head Or Face Symbolizes?

Astrology says that every mole on our face and head may mean something. It could even vary depending on the location of the mole. Find it out by reading below.
What do Moles on your Head or Face symbolizes?
Source - https://pixabay.com/en/girl-face-blond-view-marvel-look-885779/

What is a mole?

This is a small and dark spot on the human body. It can be found anywhere but commonly, they are usually located on the head or face. From ancient history, having a mole can have a significant meaning on the fate, destiny and personality of the person. Many of our ancestors believed that they are important in all aspects of our lives.

Do you have moles present on your head and face? If so, then there is a meaning for this based on it's location.
Please note that I'm not an astrologer or a fortune teller for this matter.

A fortune teller I met have discussed to me the meaning of these moles. For this reason, I wanted to share.


Ø MOLE LOCATED ON THE RIGHT SCALP- Popularity will bring you on your way. There is the greatest possibility that you will become a political leader in your country, particularly, the next president. 

Ø MOLE LOCATED ON THE MIDDLE SCALP- You may not be that famous or popular but the location of your mole for this matter can open you a door of many opportunities to become rich.

Ø MOLE ON THE LEFT SCALP- Sad to say, lovelife or married life may not be your will. Being single for the rest of your life may be your greatest happiness.


Ø MOLE LOCATED IN THE CENTER (MALE)- Watch out for your health! Being a hot-tempered guy will not guarantee you to live longer.

Ø MOLE LOCATED IN THE CENTER (FEMALE)- Are you in the state of struggling with your life's crisis? Seek help from your friends or from a professional, they can help you overcome your troubling and confusing life.


Ø MOLE LOCATED AT THE RIGHT TEMPORAL AREA (MALE) – What has struck you to marry at an early age? Well then, prove that you're on the right track. When you've got a lof things to prove, you're bound to the easist way of becoming wealthy.

Ø MOLE LOCATED AT THE LEFT OR RIGHT TEMPORAL AREA (MALE/FEMALE) – The numbers you bet on your lottery ticket will now make you rich! Just keep on betting! One day your friends will be shocked for your sudden conversion of becoming Richie Rich.


Ø CENTER (MALE OR FEMALE) – Are you afraid of putting up a business? Well the mole in your nose says, "Don't fear! I will guide you! Whatever that business is!" You're such a lucky person to have this guide.

Ø RIGHT (FEMALE) –  Do you have a boyfriend or a married partner right now? If so, it maybe

unfortunate for you to know that your partner must confess something that is difficult on your part. Converse with him and mention a lot of girls' name. Watch for his reactions and find clues. He maybe hiding something that you don't know.


Ø RIGHT (MALE) – You're another lucky guy who will be successful in any type of business!

Ø LEFT (MALE)- It's okay to do something naughty sometimes but be careful when your  naughtiness level far exceeded the limit, making you anti-social and criminal. Also, stop gallivanting! Live within your means!

Ø LEFT OR RIGHT ABOVE THE EYEBROW (MALE/FEMALE) – Consult a potion expert for an antidote. Your mole in this area will always give you a bad day, bad luck and a bad life.


Ø LEFT(MALE/FEMALE) – Your easiest way to become wealthy.

Ø MOLES PRESENT IN EACH OF THE CHEEK (MALE/FEMALE) – Failures, struggles, weakness and sufferings will never be a hindrance for you. Keep on dreaming! In due time, you will reap the fruits of your labor.


Ø TIP OF THE TONGUE (MALE/FEMALE) – Oh! You're good in conversation and in speaking out deceiving words. Not bad to gargle your mouth sometimes! 

Ø RIGHT (MALE/FEMALE) – Stop being a bully and talkative!

Now, locate where are the moles in your head/face? Check it out and be amazed. LOL...

Have a great day!!!

Article Written By goldstay

Gold stay is the username for Silver P. Comila, a nurse, a teacher and a licensed financial consultant whose one passion is writing and a contributor to this site. His niche is writing financial literacy and health-related articles. He's also one of those who desire to help every Filipino family achieve a sense of financial wellness. Drop him a message at silver_prof07@yahoo.com to learn more.

Last updated on 18-07-2018 29K 0

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